Piazzale Azogeno, 2 65022 Bussi Sul Tirino (Pe)

H&S Police

Tirino Energia Srl performs its tasks, in workshop and on site, by safeguarding the the health and safety of its workforce, the clients’ personnel and the communities by fully respecting laws and the current regulations.

Tirino Energia Srl shall continue to prevent with all means available any possible accident, injuries or illness by also actively participating in workshops and clinics with its employees and external co-operators.

Tirino Energia Srl commits to identify, control, reduce and, if possible, remove all possible risk situations involved in the performance of its activities or in its facilities.

The policy of Tirino Energia Srl can therefore be summarized as follows:

  •  Perform its activities by safeguarding its workforce, own and third party properties, environment and the community.
  •     Abide laws and regulations and, where requested, follow own standards which have been identified responsibly.
  • Adopt operational procedures.
  • Train and instruct its workforce.
  • Inform and make the workforce aware about their role and responsibilities concerning safety and hygiene on the workplace. 
  •   Quickly and efficiently react to emergencies and / or accidents which may occur during the performance of their tasks. 
  • Make focused investments to improve the performance and the safety of the equipment and machinery available, the working environment and supply its workforce with  Personal Protection Equipment and check on daily basis that this equipment is properly used.
  • By controlling the activities performed by its own workforce and its sub-contractors and which impact these have on safety and environment. 
  • Have regular meetings with its personnel in order to make sure that this policy is strictly adhered to and the progress made compared to the goals to be achieved. current laws and regulations. 
  •  Issue and implementation of the sanitary protocol in order to ascertain the suitability of its workforce to perform the requested tasks. According to the above the company intends to implement a Health & Safety protocol in its premises and on site as to obtain the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (ISO OHSAS 18001)

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